Monthly Archives: September 2019

wake me up when September ends..


Or not.

How the hell did it get to be September. Seriously.  My oldest daughter is now married as of June 29.  My son has gone back to medical school as of September 4th.  My youngest is practically engaged, heading to Paris in 2020 to celebrate her 24th birthday.  Unbelievable it seems at times.  At the risk of sounding like an old fart.  “Where does the time go?

I’ll never forget my paternal grandfather saying. “The older you get, the quicker the time goes.” At the time I could’t quite grasp this concept of time “speeding up”.  Wellllppp, I get it now.  Holy Chalupa!

I am really trying to live each moment in the best way I can.  I am human and I do stupid things. Ok, a lot of stupid things along the way.  But taking a minute to really breathe and be grateful for all the abundance and joy in my life.  It’s getting corny, yes, but oh so very true.

I could not be more grateful for the life I have built for myself with my husband, whom I love dearly.  Which reminds me, I am not sure if I have put the “Sanka story” on this blog yet.  If not, it’s definitely on the list swirling around in my head.

I am truly grateful.

I am whole and perfect as I was created.

I am consciously keeping my vibration elevated.

I am living my best life.

Until next time.

Toodles xo


I have been meaning to post for like eva


This is technically my first post in a long time.

Let’s just leave it at that.  I started this blog because I felt I had a story to share, a tale to be told, a morsel of knowledge meant to be shared.

Did you ever have the feeling that someone is following you? Well that’s what happened to me about 5 years ago.  The same weekend that I abruptly left work early sick on Friday afternoon, knowing I would never return.  I had cleared out my desk and took down my family pics already. It was a very creepy feeling.

I went to stay with my friend, who I will call Tabitha, who happened to be a very powerful energy healer that was in training just starting out at the time.

Back in April of that same year I went to CA to visit family with my youngest daughter.  This trip was suggested by a work friend, who was also my superior. It was a fun time. I spend one night in the city at a company funded hotel  with this “friend”.  The next morning after a night a drinking, dinner I took a shower.  I am a quick showerer apparently because upon exiting bathroom, there she was going through my purse.

“What are you doing?” She had some bullshit excuse that I bought lock, stock and barrell. No bid deal.  We were friends/

This particular weekend, I had a revelation after noticing that the xanex that I had in a little make up jar for flight anxiety ( I never needed them for the cali trip) had rubbed off the markings on the pills.

It’s funny that my work friend just happened to say, pretty much out of nowhere> when we used to sit in here office shooting the shit, how isnt it something how sometimes pill identifyng markings just wear off?  At the time I thought nothing of this weird idea that she was telling me about.

I took the pills to a pharmacy and had the pharmicist check them out.  He did not know what they were exactly but definitely not xanex.

…to be continued. I won’t wait 5 years. Promise